Frequently asked questions

What's up with the name?

Small, consistent effort leads to big results.  

If you did 15 minutes of continuing education every Friday during the year, you would: (1) for most professions, have completed all your credits; (2) learned a LOT of new information; and (3) done it without feeling like you had to spend a lot of time.  

There is no magic to Fridays- it could be any day of the week!  We just encourage you to "pick it and stick it"- set aside 15 minutes once a week and make it happen.

Why just 15 minutes?

Let us count the reasons...wait, we don't have the time or attention.  Point made.  

In all seriousness, the data suggest that modern learners have limited attention spans.  Adults learn better in small chunks.  And the reality of most of our lives is that continuing professional education really only fits in the margins anyway.  15 minutes here or there is about what we can realistically spare.  

Regular, bite-sized chunks really add up if you stick with them (in fact, many professionals can get nearly all of their required credits this way).  And they keep you from the pain of an ineffective and uninspiring slog at the end of your compliance period.

Can I really learn anything in 15 minutes?

Yes! In fact, you might even learn more.

For those data nerds out there, check out our Friday15 data page.  

For the rest of you, just know that the data suggest that adult learners do better in short segments. Our attention spans aren't much longer than a fruit fly (seriously). 

Unlike most traditional continuing education providers, Friday15 works within this limitation instead of against it.

What happens if I miss a live session?

No sweat. 

All our live sessions are recorded.  If you purchased the live session, you'll have access to the recording at no additional charge within a week(ish).  

If you didn't purchase the live session, you can purchase the recording. 

Help! I procrastinated and need ALL the credits. 

It happens.

While bingeing on 15-minute continuing education sessions isn't the best way to learn, we've all been there.  

So grab your snacks and drinks, and enjoy your continuing education marathon.  Hot tip: put a 20 minute block on your calendar, once a week (see above note to "pick it and stick it") so you aren't in the same spot next year. 

Is Friday15 content approved for credit in my state?   

It depends!  Some states do pre-approval, some don't.  Same for professions.  Click here to see where we meet applicable requirements.  

We recommend you always check (and stay on top of) the rules applicable to your state and profession.  You can always reach out to the appropriate regulatory body in your state if you have questions. 

Can I still sign up for Friday15 even if the Friday15 content isn't approved or eligible for credit in my state?  

We're sorry to hear that you: (a) live in a backward state; and/or (b) are a member of an antiquated profession.  

That said, we're happy to have you on board and we're certain you'll still benefit.  Just know that you won't receive continuing education credits for your participation.  

My state or profession likes long, boring continuing education.  How can I get Friday15 for my state or profession? 

Again, we're sorry to hear that. 

It depends on your state and profession.  Shoot us an email and let's see what we can do together.

I don't want a bundle or subscription.  I just want access to one of your courses.  Can you make that happen?

We can. 

Check your profession page for ala carte options. 

Can I do this on my phone or tablet?

Yes!  We are mobile-enabled, and we're working on an APP to make it even easier.   

Can I subscribe?

For most of you, the answer is not yet, but soon! We are working on our subscription model and hope to roll that out soon. 

I've got a question that isn't on here.

Send us an email at or click here

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